The MOST important investment, is the investment in SELF!

Hi, I'm Kimberly!
A certified professional life coach. I help create a safe space for individuals to explore who they are and where they're going!
I’m Coach K, a professional coach. I received my certification through CaPP Institutes Certified and Personal Executive Coach Program. I also have a Bachelor of Science with a concentration in Family and Consumer Sciences from Southern University. I have many years of experience with supporting families through many different avenues.
From a personal perspective, life has granted me plenty of experiences with loss. I lost my adoptive mother (aunt) at 19. My grandmother, whom which I was her care giver. Also my younger sister pass suddenly at the age of 30. I have also experienced two major miscarriages. So even though your journey will be unique to you, I do have leverage-able tools that has helped me to regain hope after loss.
Intertwined in that journey, I have had to also navigate divorce, co-parenting, and many other life experiences that has led me to work hard on myself. It allowed me to understand who I am what makes me thrive and what kills my joy. So, if you are here to become the truest version of yourself then you will have someone on your side who understands what it will take.
I would gladly trade it all to have my loved ones back, but I have learned that assisting others through moving from pain to peace is not only contributing to their healing but also mine. This has been one of the most rewarding ways to honor my loved ones.